Directed by Dr. Gyu-Ho Shin, the Lab for Language, Cognition, and Computation is committed to advancing the understanding of language interfacing with human cognition and artificial intelligence. By integrating research methods and techniques…
Join us on congratulating our very own Jessica Thornton-Hoselton, who has won a $6000 Office of Global Engagement (OGE) Study Abroad Program Development Grant!
Join us on congratulating our very own Liz Aguilar who has won a Silver Circle Award for Teaching Excellence 2024! Well done Liz, we are enormously proud of you! SILVER CIRCLE AWARDS FOR…
Join us on congratulating this year’s winners of Undergraduate Research Forum at In/Between! 1) Bernadette Pitt-Payne The Face of an Empire: Material Culture and the Image of Queen Victoria in the British Raj,…
Please join us in congratulating Dolly Weber and Jessica Thornton-Hoselton for having received a grant of $4,000 dollars from the French Embassy to create a free OER textbook for students in French 103.…
Join us for this talk by Professor Rocío Quispe Agnoli coming on March 29 to discuss the collection Qhipa Pacha, a bilingual anthology of Peruvian futurism and its place within speculative fiction in…
It is our pleasure to inform that this year, our School has TWO awardees in CATE’s Teaching Recognition Program Award: Carrie Pichan (Linguistics) and Kim Potowski (Hispanic and Italian Studies). Congratulations to both!
Join us in congratulating one of our stellar graduate students in Hispanic Studies, Lidia Aguilera Lora, who has been awarded the Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award co-sponsored by CATE, the…
Join us in congratulating our very own Margarita Saona whose book “De Monstruos y Cyborgs” has been nominated for the Luces Prize for best non-fiction work!