Administrative Support

This directory is intended to help you find the right member of the School's administrative staff to help you with your issue.

Lisa James Heading link

Assistant Director of Faculty Affairs and Curriculum

Curricular Affairs

Curriculum change request   •   Teaching assignment for TAs, TT, and NTT faculty for all departments

Faculty Affairs

Promotion & Tenure (TT, Clinical, Research, Lecturers)   •   Faculty Searches   •   Sabbatical Applications   •   RNUA/MyDisclosures   •   Faculty Annual Activity Report – Digital Measures   •   Activity Reporting   •   Mid Probationary Reviews   •   Tenure Holds/Rollbacks   •   Emeritus Requests   •   Academic Leave Planning   •   Annual Peer Teaching Evaluations   •   Annual Faculty Evaluations

Budget and HR

HIP Instructional Fund   •   School Staff Planning & Job Descriptions


Request Shared Folder Access   •   Business Continuity Plan   •  Departmental Bylaws and P&T Guidelines   •   Governance – Committees & Elections

Stephanie Yang Heading link

Assistant Director of Finance and Operations


WEE Budget   •   Event Budget   •   Research Budget   •   Grant Processing   •   Co-Sponsoring Fund   •   Cash Advance for Research   •   Professional Service Contract up to $4,999   •   Professional Service Contract between $4,999-19,999   •   P-Card Application   •   T-Card Application   •   Purchase Order Requisition   •   Purchase Furniture   •   Vendor Payment   •   Wire Transfer   •   Gift Fund   •   LAS Foreign Travel Award submission   •   LAS Junior Faculty Research submission   •   Travel Reimbursement   •   Questions re: Student Travel Award

German Awards

Processing Teaching Awards

Hispanic Studies Awards

Processing El Saffar Awards

Candace Hoover Heading link

Human Resources Manager

Continuing Graduate Student Matters

TA’s RA’s GA’s Issues with Payroll   •   OPT letter   •   MICEFA questions   •   Humboldt Exchange questions   •   Sending Continuing TA offer letters

General Office

Phonebook Updates   •   Emergency Contact Requests

Graduate Applications/New Students’ procedures

Sending new TA offer letters   •   New TA’s hire paperwork   •   New International TA’s payroll   •   New TA’s questions: regarding I9, arrival date to get paid on time, Tax Treaty option for Internationals   •   New TA letters sent to OIS

German Awards

Max Kade Fellow request waiver to Grad College   •   Processing Max Kade Fellow

Hispanic Studies Awards

Kouvel Fellow request waiver to Grad College   •   Processing Kouvel Fellow

Human Resources

Hiring Research Assistant (RA)   •   Hiring Graduate Assistant (GA)   •   Hiring Teaching Assistant (TA)   •   Hiring Temporary/Extra Help employees   •   Hiring Lecturers & Visiting faculty   •   Hiring Student Worker   •   ANCRA Training   •   Leave processing (FMLA)   •   Sick/Vacation Leave reporting   •   Bi-weekly timesheet questions   •   Payroll irregularities (pay adjustments, overcompensations, etc.)   •   Process Lump Sum Payment   •   I-9 Verification   •   J1/Visiting Scholar, H1B visa processing   •   Ethics Officer for School   •   Multi-Year contracts   •   Overloads   •   Background checks

Brenna Rice Heading link

Assistant Director of Academic Operations and Graduate Programs

Academic Affairs and General Operations

Course enrollment and restrictions   •   Classroom change requests   •   Grade change forms   •   Instructor assignments in BANNER   •   Class advertising   •   Class scheduling   •   Cross-lists   •   Data requests   •   School newsletter   •   Website content   •   Create and update listservs   •  Collect syllabi

Continuing Graduate Student Matters

Graduate College regulations   •   Program requirements   •   Registration questions   •   Transfer credit questions   •   Graduate Listservs   •   MA exams •   PhD Prelim exams   •   MA, PhD thesis defense   •   Graduation/Commencement   •   Banner access re: student records   •   Thesis submission deadlines   •   Concentration Codes   •   Verifying thesis format to Graduate College   •   Announcing a thesis defense   •   Progress report letters   •   Letters for students (various)   •   Probation questions   •   Degree completion deadlines   •   Graduation checklists   •   Graduate College forms/deadlines and regulations re: Petitions, Transfer Credit, Leave of Absence, Retroactive Add, Drop, Supplemental Grade Report   •   Committee recommendation questions   •   0 hrs. Option B Registration Questions   •   Access to student evaluations

Graduate Applications and New Student Procedures

Prospective applicant inquiries   •   Information for all grad programs   •   Retrieving application docs from Slate   •   Application codes   •   All aspects of application process   •   University requirements   •   Departmental requirements   •   Graduate College requirements   •   Processing Recruitment Awards   •   Processing admits, denials in Slate   •   Informing applicants of decisions   •   Limited Status   •   Deferrals   •   Non-degree status questions   •   Petition to Grad College waivers – German: Max Kade, Hispanic Studies: Kouvel   •   BOT waivers (Grad College)   •   Internal Applications MA to PhD   •   TOEFL/IELTS/GRE questions

Graduate College Awards

University Fellowship   •   Dean’s Scholar   •   Provost’s Award   •   Lincoln Fellowship

German Awards

Teaching Awards docs

Hispanic Studies Awards

El Saffar Award docs

Denise McClinton Heading link

Office Manager

Academic Affairs

Collect and Files Syllabi

General Office

Create and Update Listservs   •   Inventory for computer and furniture   •   Purchasing (Computers and Office Supplies)   •   Conference Room Reservations


Facilities/Maintenance Requests   •   Assign Office Space   •   Telecom Requests and Changes   •   Arrange Surplus Pick Up   •   Building Evacuation Plan


Food order for small event such as TiLC, Talk by Individual Guest Speaker   •   Food order for Major Conference such as In/Between, Bilingualism, or Workshops   •   Parking Sticker for visitors   •   Design poster   •   Hotel Arrangement for Guest Speaker   •   Travel Arrangement for Guest Speaker


Process of Disposing Records

Main Office Heading link

601 S. Morgan St., 1722 UH, Chicago, Illinois 60607

General Office

Main Printer Problem Issues   •   Building Access   •   Copy Codes and Quotas   •   Purchase of Office Supplies   •   Key Ordering and Distribution   •   Elevator Updates   •   Door Signs   •   Syllabi Requests   •   Office Hours Requests   •   ID Requests   •   Library Access Requests   •   Office Maintenance Requests   •   UPS/USPS Mailings   •   Binding   •   Shredding   •   Laminating   •   Color Printing Requests   •   Scan/Copy Requests   •   Maintenance of all copiers   •   Conference Room Scheduling   •   Maintain and Update Mailboxes   •   Report office Maintenance   •   Business Cards   •   French and Italian Exam Copies