Graduate Education Fund

Graduate Education Funds support current LCSL graduate students under any of the following categories:

  1. Travel to research sites
  2. Expenses related to research not covered by other university sources, including for example, equipment, software, participant payment, copying, etc.
  3. Exam fees related to graduate education
  4. Conference-related expenses

Funds will be awarded at the discretion of departments and dependent upon funding availability.


Hispanic Studies: December 1 and May 1

Germanic Studies and Polish, Russian, and Lithuanian Studies: September 30, January 15 (note: February 15 in 2025), and April 15

Electronic applications only.

Hispanic Studies and French and Francophone Studies: submit application materials to Brenna Rice,

Germanic Studies and Polish, Russian, and Central and Easter European Studies: submit application materials to your respective DGS.

Download the Application Form